Friday, January 20, 2012

Quick Update: Finals, Monthly Book Themes, and the Extras

Hi everyone! So as you can see, this is just an update post. First, I'd like to talk about finals.Y'all who have been through highschool know what I'm talking about. IT IS EXTREMELY STRESSFUL. I'm a freshman who is taking some sophomore classes, so it's a little-extra harder for me. At my school, we get out 2 hours earlier, but I honestly have no idea if I will get any reading done with so much studying to do. After that, I have a 3 day weekend with NO homework! That equals reading time. =)

The next thing: Monthly Book Themes. If you HAVEN'T checked out my post for it, read it here! It's quite a big change for me. But the Extras. What are the EXTRAS you are talking about, may I ask? I'm sure many of you have the same problem: when you walk into a bookstore, you can't exactly walk out empty-handed. For me, since I only borrow books, I can't exactly walk out of the library empty-handed, especially when there's that New Books display shelf. Those "extras" will be books that are not part of the themed-month. They will kind of be--books between the months. I will only read these "extras" once I finish the books I chose for the themed-month.

So that's basically it! I'm currently reading Gone by Michael Grant, and Notes to Self by Avery Sawyer. I'm loving both, and I plan on finishing both before January ends! That's it for now, happy reading!

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